How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Way We Work

As the world evolves, it birth changes in various area of man’s life. This evolvement is what inspires certain innovations and technologies. These technologies and innovations are meant to make life easier and better for man.

The world that we are in at the moment has digitally evolved as we are now in the era of ICT. This era has given rise to technological advancement, and one of its prominent technological advancement is “artificial intelligence”. The fast rise of AI and its ability to solve organization problems in virtually all sectors, particularly the business sector has placed it above every other technology that enhance an organization or business growth.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) according to Britannica, is the ability of a digital computer or computer – controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent being. AI is a developing system endowed with the intellectual process characteristics of humans such as, the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize or learn from past experience.

Artificial intelligence betters our world in so many ways and with its fast rise the whole socioeconomic system will be experiencing an accelerating transformation ranging from business, market, social welfare, government and education.

No doubt that the emergency of artificial intelligence which has the capacity to process all of man’s intellectual features (to reason, discover, make decision e.t.c) will change the way working use to be or employees job descriptions.

The ability of Artificial Intelligence to develop our decision making will change how we work. This is because decision making is an essential soft skills every employees should have and a great number of employee across all organization lack the skill and every employer are in a constant search to find employees who can fill this gap. The emergence of AI will help close the gap by providing more data driven insights which will result in an improved decision – making skills. The gap of decision making skill will result in some employee being relieved of their jobs.

Also, Artificial intelligence will increase our data literacy. Prior before the advent of AI, employees were only able to interact with technologies such as e – learning platforms: such as Linear E – learning Computer – Assisted Instruction (CAI) Computer managed learning (CML), Interactive Online learning etc. But now the emergency of Artificial Intelligence will enable us to consistently interact with more advanced technologies, such as chabot, machine learning platforms and biometrics. This in turn enable employees to become more data literate which will aid employees in all area of their corporate roles.

Time they say is money and the ability for an organization to manage time and still achieve their set goals or reach their targets customers will give them an edge over other organization as it will also cause tremendous growth in the organization or business.

AI will help relive us of some of our task on our job and giving us the luxury of time to do task that are meant for human thereby increasing labor productivity.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on employment and the workforce cannot be overemphasized as the entire socioeconomic system will be severely impacted. Task that are monotonous can be easily automated, humans can be replaced by smart robots.

The impact of AI will be severely seen in the transportation system, as the transport section is in a transformational mode and soon fully autonomous car will be reality.

Electronic commerce will not be exempted from the impact of AI as robots navigate space to collect products, get customers order, making the importance of sales persons and networks of physical stores depreciate.

With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, most employees will be unemployed, so to adapt to this new change and emergency every employee should ensure he or she possess a soft skill as this is what will safe employees as we are approaching an era where humans and robots will be working side by side. Knowledge on certain soft skill will be your savior and enable you manage the human workforce.

Employees must position to learn a soft skill which includes Creating, Analytical (Critical) thinking, Emotional Intelligence, interpersonal communication skills, active learning with a growth mindset, judgment and decision making, leadership skills, diversity and cultural intelligence and embracing change.

Kindly share your views in the comment section.

Written by Amarachukwu Ogbonnaya
She also blogs @

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